Wednesday, September 15, 2010


When Sister Maria asked the children to read, she skipped  Liesel and said it was done.  Liesel reacted to this action by trying to prove Sister Maria wrong, that she could read. When it was Liesel's turn to read, she could not comprehend what was on the pages. Death states, “You can steal a book, but you can’t read one”(77). It is sad how a teacher can look down on an elementary school student like that. If I was her age, I do not think I would be brave enough to stand up to a teacher like Liesel did. Later kids in her class were making fun of her. Liesel tried to hold her temper down, but a person can only hold on so long before they blow up. Zusak writes “By the twentieth, she snapped. It was Schmeikl, back for more" (78). She gave Ludwig Schmeikl a good beating. She cursed a lot while she was doing that.
I remember when I was in 10th grade getting my grades checked in the counselor's office. The majority of the kids were failing and that was part of the reason they were there. A teacher came in the office and was making fun of the failing students and calling them, “a bunch of failures.” I approached  that teacher and asked him, "who are you to say all that nonsense?" By getting “mouthy” with him I got myself into trouble.

Work Cited:
Zusak, Markus.  The Book Thief.  NY:  Alfred A. Knopf, 2005.  Print.


  1. 6/10:
    Nice job on your blog, Nina. I love this picture! haha!

    Comments for Revision:
    Verb tense: "When Sister Maria asked the children to read, she skips Liesel and said it was done." AND "Liesel react" AND "Liesel did tried" AND "She curses a lot while she was doing that." Be sure if you are writing in the past tense that ALL of your verbs in the post are past tense verbs.

    wordiness: "Markus Zusak wrote that death was saying about Liesel was,"

    period placement: "but you can’t read one.”(77) should be "but you can’t read one”(77).

    verb tense: "I approached to that teacher and ask him"
