Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Erik Vandenburg is Max’s father. He was a great friend to Hans Hubermann during WWI. When Max asked if Hans Hubermann still played the accordion it was because the accordion originally belonged to his father. When I read about Hans Hubermann's life during WWI, it made me think differently of him. Hans Hubermann wasn’t quiet, and mellow like Liesel described him when she first met him. Back when Hans Hubermann was younger  he was active, cheerful and funny. Hans Hubermann escaped Death for the first time when he was fighting in France. Death stated, “I’ve seen so many young men over the years who think they’re running at other young men. They are not. They’re running at me” (Zusak 175). In WWI, Erik Vandenburg volunteered Hans Hubermann to write letters for the sergeant.“He obviously thought that today wasn’t the appropriate time for his friend to die” (Zusak 177). Because of that, Hans escaped from Death the second time.

 I do consider myself lucky because I know I am a very clumsy person. There are many of times I have accidentally hurt myself or others. I remember that I jumped on a dresser with a big mirror. When I jumped off of it, it fell on me. There was another event I was playing on the monkey bars and somehow when I went through them, I slipped and hit my head. I feel lucky I’m alive because of some of my events.

Work Cited

·                   Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005. Print.


  1. 6/10:
    Nice job, Nina. You picked out my favorite quote from that chapter--about how young men in wars thing they are running at each other but they are really running at death.

    Comments for Revision:
    usage: "during the WWI." should be "during WWI."

    verb tense, run-on and apostrophe placement: "When Max asked If Hans Hubermann still play the accordion, because it was originally his fathers’."

    verb tense: "like Liesel describe him at first"

    fragment and verb tense: "When Hans Hubermann and Erik Vandenburg in WWI, Erik Vandenburg volunteer for Hans Hubermann to write letters for the sergeant."

    typo & verb tense: "hat voluntarily he got lucky and avoid Death"

    comma splice: "I do consider myself lucky, because I know I am a very clumsy person." and "I feel lucky I’m alive ,because of some of my events."

    Be sure to capitalize Works Cited and put a period at the end of your citation.
